I didn't get a lot of sleep last night, because at 2 in the morning I was chasing a spider around my room, he was a big fellow, but he was also a quick little bugger. It makes me feel guilty that I killed him with one of my shoes now, because he would have been a great participant of the London 2012 spider Olympics. Nether-the-less, I saw him last week and lost him, so I refused to lose him again. Took me ages to get to sleep after, so I woke up in a pretty bad mood - and from there the day has progressed (like normal days really. You wake up, and the day progresses from there - nothing unusual - except I was in a particularly bad mood, like I have previously mentioned).
First lesson was Photography. I like photography, and in fact (excluding some of the company), it is probably my favourite lesson. The bad thing about photography, is you have to carry your folders everywhere, and at the moment I am carrying 3 folders around, so after a day of walking in the sun (which the next paragraph will be about), my hands are very, very sore - so my hands at the moment are not as smooth as normal.
Walking in the sun is a pain - especially when you hadn't planned to. My plan was to bus into town from my photography lesson, as the school where my lesson is literarily miles away from the high street, which is only the half way point to where my afternoon lesson of English is held. But knowing my luck, I didn't just miss one bus - I missed two. So I had to walk a fair distance, whilst lugging around three photography sketch books.
Me not catching a bus into town and walking instead, meant I was half hour late to meet my Nan, Aunt and various other people who mysteriously know my name, in a coffee shop in Canterbury, which meant I had no time for an energy boost of a drink, as I walked my (partially sighted) Nan to her pick-up point. This was my good deed of the day. Every day needs one, even if it's just letting a marathon running spider live a little longer, and seeing as I didn't do that, walking my Nan was the next best option.
After putting her into the car and waving her goodbye, I walked back into town to do a few things I needed to do, which included a trip to the bank so I could bank a cheque I've been holding onto for a few weeks. A trip to the bank, at lunchtime, means standing in cue for long periods of time - whilst holding heavy sketch books. After 25 minutes in the cue, it was my turn, and I was out within minutes afterwards. During my time the cue though, I decided that going to the bank is very much like participating in bad British quiz show, hosted by Michael Barrymore and Bruce Forsyth. I would go into detail, but this is now an idea for a sketch, which I am going to develop, so I shall enlighten you when the idea is developed - maybe.
Out the bank, get a few more things done, whilst still carrying these sketchbooks, which at this point seemed to be corroding my hand, and I began to walk down the town, to my next destination - school. If only it was that simple. As everyone is aware when walking through a high street, you always get people wanting to stop and chat to you, to make you feel guilty about how lucky you have life because African kids are dying, and try to get you to give them money - these are what I believe are called 'Charity Spokespeople'. Well, I got metaphorically tackled by one and had a good ten minute chat with a woman wearing a UNICEF jumper...
I will admit, she wasn't a great spokeswoman for them as discussions included the weather, talking about photography (because she saw my heavy folder), University life and her finger nails - before we got onto a brief discussion concerning these dying children. By me giving them 69p a week, I could give a child a vaccination apparently. I didn't give my card details, but I did walk away, feeling rather guilty for still being alive and not giving her some money - but at least I didn't bump into the Gypsy Women who sticks a heather up my nose and demands a pound for it.
After that, I sat in Westgate gardens and ate a sandwich that I had brought from Tesco's while watching the ducks play in the water; Chinese people take pictures of each other and builders the other side of the river, eating their lunches. It was at that point when I got my phone out and began to Tweet. After that, I went to school, and done hardly anything in English because I was tired and warn out, and that's how the rest of the day has been - pointless. Up until this moment in time where I am nearing the end of my blog.
That was my 'brief' account of my day, my first blog which documents 'A Day In The Life Of' and I expect it will be my last blog which does so. It feel a little better, after getting all of that off my chest, so I would recommend it to anyone who is considering going to therapy soon - just write a blog which hardly anyone will read.
So, that's the end, which leaves me with only one thing to say...
Toodles m'dearys.
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