Sunday 29 November 2009

New Moon: The Stuart Review

It took a few attempts, but finally we got to see New Moon; or as a lot of people call it 'The New Twilight Movie'. You see, emo teenage girls very rarely get excited, and when something which appeals to them is on at the cinema, they all go together, thus making it impossible for anyone else to see it. Overall, the film is good though. Do I need to say anything else? Well I suppose I need to make the blog a bit longer...

The last film I done a review of (which was over a year ago) was when I got dragged to see High School Musical 3, and I'm pleased to report it's not as crap as that and is in no-way a cheesy film. High School Musical is such a cheesy film and the more I watch it, the more the hatred grows. It's a film that's cheesier than Wallace & Gromit's crackers, or if you didn't like that metaphor, it's cheesier than a fat-man's pairs of socks after walking from the sofa to kitchen and back to get a packet of biscuits. You can choose which metaphor suits it best.

Like High School Musical, New Moon appeals to the teenage girls in particular. It's one of them films where every man in the audience could just walk out and none of the women would notice because they're too busy ogling Edward's eyebrows or Jacob's tortoise-like shoulders. It's moments like that I'm glad I don't have a girlfriend, as it seems like a bit of an awkward experience being forced to watch a movie with them, so they can drool over it while you twiddle your thumbs.

Everyone seems to find the actors 'fit', but I don't agree. As a result of explaining, I may end up getting lynched by teenage girls grasping razors, so if you love Robert Pattinson and Taylor Lautner, I suggest you skip this paragraph. Robert Pattinson, in this film, has two rather big eyebrows which make Susan Boyle's eyebrows look an average size. His pale complexion just makes him look ill and the six pack he has drawn on, is like someone started drawing a pretty pattern on him but got bored half way through. Overall, I can't see his appeal. As for Taylor Lautner, with his hair cut and top off, he does look significantly like a naked tortoise. His six pack isn't drawn on, but his shoulders freak me out - they're too diagonal for my liking. This is also a reason why I wouldn't make a very successful girl.
One bit which kept me amused for a few minutes was the part towards the beginning with Bella and Edward in the woods when he tells her he has to leave. The script goes something like this:
Bella- I want to come.
Edward- I don't want you to come.
If I find out I was the only person to laugh at that bit, I will have to go and teach every person who went to watch it the art of comedy timing and explain 'euphemisms'. I think that was the best bit of the movie.

They've even began advertising in films now as well. They showed a Virgin America plane flying in the sky - something not exactly necessary for the plot. The fact one minute they're in America, the next in Italy is enough really. I wonder how much Richard Branson paid for that? I am told the Virgin Plane is symbiotic of Bella, but I'm not going into that.

I had a thought while watching New Moon during the scene with Bella getting a paper cut. With just one drop of blood, the vampire's have a thirst for blood. So can someone answer me this question... What happens when it's Bella's 'time of the month'? Surely, once a month for a few days, Bella has to stay away from the Cullens. What stops the Vampires from smelling that blood? Someone please tell me.

I would quite like to go to the cinema one time and swap New Moon for an old Vampire movie and see how they all react to it. A majority of Vampires in New Moon are very nice and lovely, as are the Werewolves who help everyone and just protect people. In old Vampire and Werewolf movies, they're the complete opposite, and I'd like to see how Twilight fanatics cope with it. I bet it wouldn't take them long to recognise it's the wrong movie.

The soundtrack for New Moon is well, depressing. It has some of my favourite bands such as OK Go, Muse, The Killers, Editors and Radiohead's Thom Yorke, but they've not exactly picked happy songs. However, they do go very well with how they are positioned in the film and add to the atmosphere. I just wouldn't rush out and buy the soundtrack to listen to on its own - the CD may as well come with a free razor.
Despite all that though, I very much enjoyed the film, and I think it's better than Twilight. Next film to come out to add to the saga is Eclipse, so I'll look forward to that being even better. After that it'll be Breaking Dawn, and then maybe Midnight Sun. I think if there is a sixth instalment, it will be called 'Morning Breath'. I should just point out, the only reason I know so much about all this and the reason I went to see the film in the first place, is because of my friends who have constantly talked about it, dragged me to the cinema and forced me to watch DVD's. I suppose I should grateful they've not glued each book to my hands and forced me to read them...

One more thing - if anyone asks, I support Team Edward (and no, it’s not a euphemism for being gay).

Saturday 28 November 2009

Thank-You God For Murders, Floods and Reality Television

This week Canterbury has been in the news lot. A murder, a shooting and local headteacher Phil Karnavas (Canterbury High - Woop!) in The Guardian (which I unsuspectingly saw on a train to London) moaning about the Government’s attitude towards education. You can tell a lot about a city by where their shootings happen. In London people get shot in 'da ghettos', in Liverpool it's randomly on the street and in Canterbury it's in Morrisons, next to the cleaning products isle. Who cares about that though? All everyone really cares about this week is X-Factor, I'm A Celebrity and Cocks In Mouths - oh sorry, it's Cockermouth, my mistake.
Pretty much everyone has heard this week that in the heavy rain, a place in Cumbria called 'Cockermouth', got flooded. Now, am I only one that laughed the morning it happened when they were talking about it on the news? Surely it isn't just me who is that immature. Listening to the news has become a battle, seeing who many times the news reporter can say 'Cockermouth' before you laugh. Who named that place anyway? It's a ridiculous name for a town. I have a theory about how it came to get that name...
The Mayor was having a conversation on the phone to the sign makers who were going to design the new sign for the town, when all of a sudden a prostitute walks in. The Mayor then shouted 'My cocks in her mouth', but because the phone line was dodgy it came out the other end as 'cockermouth', and the Mayor, to embarrassed to tell this story, decided he would change the name of the town instead. That’s my theory anyway.
Now everytime it rains, a man standing by the river says on the news report that ‘Cockermouth is at risk of being flooded again’, when really it's only a 10 minute shower. People really are very paranoid when it comes to flooding. I'm only going to worry about flooding when a giant wooden boat sails past my house smelling like a farmyard...
A farmyard links me nicely to this year’s 'I'm A Celebrity, Get Me Out Of Here'. I'm going to attempt to write about it, even though I've not watched one second of it this year. It certainly has run its course. People still watch it, and people still feel the need to tell me what's going on, but really, it's the same kangaroo-testical-eating-nonsense as it was 8 years ago. ITV have missed out on one good piece of marketing however. Imagine if ITV done 3D week instead of Channel 4; the nation be invited to watch Katie Price's breasts in 3 dimensions. That's a scary thought, but it would have made all the lonely old men rush to Sainsbury's to get a pair of glasses to watch her pair of jugs.
Katie Price walked out of the jungle after a week, when she realised that no-one liked her after being nominated to do every bush tucker trial. She apparently went into the jungle to get closure - well I have a piece of advice for you Katie Price -'Close your legs, close your mouth and f*** off'. Harsh, I know, but she really does annoy me these days.
When she walked out, she then dumped her boyfriend on live television, and now the papers are relishing the fact that the ex-boyfriend may sell some naughty images of her. It really has been another few weeks of Katie Price cluttering up my head with useless information I don't want to know about her.
How unlucky ITV were Sunday night. They lost two pairs of tits in on evening. Before Katie Price left I'm A Celebrity, John and Edward were finally booted off the X-Factor. I believe that 'Jedward', as people call them, are the singing equivalent to Nick Griffin. No-one likes them, but someone must have voted for them for them to last so long. The Irish Twats... Twits... Twins (I got there eventually) during their time, danced with a giant marshmallow while ‘singing’ Ghostbusters, ‘sang’ numerous Queen songs, ‘rapped’ wearing white jump suits and also ‘sang’ a Britney Spears song while wearing red Lycra. Multitalented certainly isn't a word I'd use to describe them. The next day, there were rumours that 'Jedward' where going to fly to Australia and join the I'm A Celebrity jungle – it is amazing how gullible the public are.
Right, that's the end of this satirical blog. My target is to do a satirical blog once a week about things which have happened during that week. How long this will last, I don't know, but I will but try. I shall still do my long blogs though, and the next blog will be about New Moon...

P.S. I'm not religious.

Monday 9 November 2009

Is A Misspelling Really Disrespectful?

No, and to be honest, if you think it is you are either stupid or pathetic. Gordon Brown is the only Prime Minister who can write a letter to a woman who lost her son and then get criticised for spelling three words wrong. This is a man who can do no good. He hand writes a letters, and gets mocked by the country for not being able spell, but if he typed it, people would be moaning that they're not personal enough. I feel sorry for him.
I am in no way his biggest fan, and the fact I support the conservatives helps to illustrate this point, but I have so much sympathy for this man. He misspelt the name of the dead solider, as well as misspelling 'Greatest' and 'Condolences', and to be honest, I'd like to see how many average people can spell Condolences correctly with only one eye. The stupid members of the public and 'The Media' seem to forget that politicians are also human, and are prone to making the occasional mistake, especially typing. I make so many spelling mistakes when I write these blogs, but I don't go and hang myself every time because I may have 'disrespected' someone.

Then we go onto the name. This women's name is Mrs Janes, and Mr Brown spelt it 'Mrs James'. Now that's hardly a huge mistake, putting an 'M' instead of an 'N' is a mistake people make every day. Also, Mrs Janes - what kind of name is that anyway? I've never heard of 'Jane' being used as a surname, so you can understand how small this mistake by Gordon Brown was. Mrs James is a much more plausible name.

Why has Gordon Brown got to apologise for not being perfect? If I got told by my English teacher that I in some way insulted her by misspelling a word, I wouldn't apologise, and not because I'm a rebel, but because it's such an insignificant thing. What kind of person gets insulted by a misspelling? Sure, she is grieving for her son, but going to The Sun and telling them Gordon Brown insulted her by not using a dictionary is quite pathetic.

Another reason why I sympathise with Gordon Brown and his one eye, is because of my Nan. She is partially sighted and she tries to write things occasionally, and she'll write in my birthday card. However, when she puts 'Dear Staurt' by accident, I don't go and have a hissy fit and run around crying and claiming she hates me and doesn't love me at all, just because she couldn't spell my name correctly, and then end up going on Jeremy Kyle with the problem 'My Nan Can't Spell My Name - I Want An Apology' or consider suing her because I want compensation. No, I don't even mention it. Maybe it's just me being nice, but I like to think it's me not being stupid and pathetic and accepting the fact she is partially sighted.

I'm not the only person who thinks this either. On Twitter this morning I had people agreeing with, and someone even re-tweeted my tweet saying 'Why are people making such a big fuss over Gordon Brown's spelling? An 'M' instead of an 'N'. It's hardly a big mistake' to share with her followers. To be honest, I'm from the group of people that think the only thing The Sun is useful for is for whipping the bottom of a tramp; so this really shouldn't be considered as news anyway. I can see the headline on the front of The Sun tomorrow claiming that the reason we're full of immigrants is because he can't spell. The Sun isn't written by journalists, it's merely just a load of words put together to almost make a proper sentence, by someone who failed GCSE English. Idiots.

Earlier today, this story was the top news story on the BBC News website. Proving that Gordon Brown is prone to the occasional mistake, and therefore proving he is a human, isn't news. The same for all politicians; where has this idea that politicians should ALWAYS be perfect come from? Did we once have a theory that politicians are not human, but have in fact evolved from humans to become a perfect race of people who should be capable to run a country? If that's true, then something really has gone wrong.

One more thing to illustrate my point – George Bush. Now, there’s a man who ran a country for 8 years, despite the fact he is far from perfect, and made so many mistakes that if he had donated one dollar for every mistake, we wouldn’t be a recession be now. In comparison to him, Gordon Brown should be a member of Mensa!

Anywho, I feel much better now I’ve got that off my chest. It’s just irritated me keep hearing throughout the day on the news.