
My blogs which are not only complaining about how other people express their love to each other, but also includes my moanings about being single and almost begging for a girlfriend.

Valentine's Day; From A Loving Perspective
Between this blog, and my last 'love' blog, I got into a long-term relationship, and this is me discussing our first Valentine's Day - and my first Valentine's Day where I am not single.

Stuart's Unrequited Love Song Album
Posted on Valentine's Day for those of us who were lonely on this romantic day. I picked 20 songs which makes you even sadder if you're already lonely. It is filled with my favourite songs about the subject of Unrequited Love.

100 - Love: From The Umpires Chair
My one hundredth blog which was about how people around me are in love and how I am not; as well as complaining about how these people express their feelings.

Written on Valentines Day, which I renamed 'Valaween', is about how I was spending another February 14th single and complaining about how materialist the day has become.

Stuart's Dating Advice:
My satirical tips on how to pull women and also how to show your loved one how important they are to you and how to make them feel special.

Another Blog about Love... When Will He Give Up
About my 'celebration' of being single one year and how I have observed lots of people around me be in love and also how friends try to make you feel better about your 'singleness'.

Maybe I Should Say Hello And Introduce Myself Finally... Part Two
The second part of 'introduction' blog, in which I mainly talk about the subject of love and my lack of it and also includes my attempts at writing a personal ad, which I should point out, still no-one has replied to, surprisingly.