I may not be very familiar with all the ins and outs of Easter, but I like to think I have a rough idea. Now, I’m about to give my gist of the story, which probably won’t be very accurate, but I’ll have a go, and if I’m wrong, I don’t really care, it just means I’m illustrating the point that no one really knows what Easter is about, better than I planned.
Okay, on Palm Sunday Jesus rode in to Jerusalem on a Donkey with ‘Taxi’ tattooed down the side, while walking on Palm leaves which people put down in front of the donkey. A few days later, Jesus had a fancy dinner party with his 12 groupies called ‘The Disciples’ and fed them with Blood and Skin (Or more famously known as ‘Wine and Bread’). The next day, he was put on a cross, along with a guy called Brian, and they whistled/sang to forget their pains. The Romans then put his dead body in cave and a few days later when they went back, his body had disappeared, therefore meaning he had come back to life – apparently.
It’s funny how many ignorant people there are around, who have no idea what Easter is about, and don't understand the difference between the Birth and Death of Jesus. Looking around on the Internet, you find people posting things which illustrate the point that no one knows what Easter is actually celebrating. I read one thing, which said she was celebrating the birth of Jesus with an Easter Egg. Whether she was joking or not, I don’t know, but that was the inspiration for my blog title.
I don’t understand why we celebrate the death and reincarnation of someone with a chocolate egg and hot cross buns, but for some reason we do. I didn’t have a hot cross bun this year, and I haven’t any other year. I got far too many Easter Eggs this year though, and all I’m doing is sitting and looking at them, wondering why. It’s the same every year, just like other religious festivals.
One of the jokes you hear repeated a lot at Easter, is people saying things like ‘Easter is to celebrate the chocolate egg’ or they start off by sounding serious and saying ‘People forget the true meaning of Easter...’ and conclude with the obvious ending ‘...the chocolate’. It’s a very old and over used joke, which I’m sure everyone must be sick off, well I am at least. My next blog will be about comedy and the state of it at the moment, so look forward to that...
Anyway, I hope you all had a good Easter and are so fat after eating a continuous supply of Easter Eggs that you look in the mirror and wish you was dead...
P.S. The picture of the rabbits is just sooo cute!!
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