Sunday, 31 March 2013

Save The Journalist

I blog. You noticed did you? What a clever little so-and-so you are. Luckily, this blog isn’t massively read, makes me diddlysquat and is written solely by moi. Along with the fact that the servers that run this blog are owned by Google and located in the USA, I should be completely exempt from the new press regulation rules that are being pushed through by the Government. However, as someone who is over half the way through their Journalism degree at University, and looking for a career in local newsprint – they are a major worry.

I'm a media watcher, and I do not doubt for one minute that changes need to happen – how can anyone argue in the post-Hackgate times we live in - but this is certainly not the way. This has been the opportunity politicians wanted to gag the media – the same media that four years ago ran stories about all of their MP’s Expenses. Under these regulations, we would have never known about the duck pond.

Sunday, 10 March 2013

Major Congestion Reported Getting Into SimCity

I have come up with another insult to sling around the playground: "Your Mumma's so fat, that she's slower than an EA Game Server". I can imagine it would be, and quite rightly so, followed by a chorus of "RINSED" by some teenagers, who also slap their fingers in appreciation.
This comes in light of recent events, in which people spent tens of pounds on a PC game, only to be told they couldn't play the game because too many people were playing the game. One might think that if you made 'X' number of games, you would, in the end, expect 'X' amount of people to actually want to play the game. But I'm not an expert, so what do I know?