I know a lot of my problems are caused by wearing shoes of the wrong size. Length wise, my foot is a size 10, but the width of my foot makes it a size 11, thus meaning I have to wear size 11 shoes. That is what causes most of my problems I believe. The ingrown toenail is a result of insufficient support around my toes and the blisters caused by my foot sliding around in my show. My bruised ankle however is a result of not having a big enough bed and I keep kicking my bedroom units in my sleep.
Looking around on the Internet for help isn't much use either. For an ingrown toenail they just tell you to keep washing it. Should washing not cure it though, they say the next step is to have part or the entire toenail cut away in a 'Painful, but safe procedure'. People, who know me, will know I don't cope with pain particularly well, and usually makes my stroppy and miserable, so if they think I'm bad now, they haven't seen anything yet.
Today in the post did come some nail softener, which was brought off the Internet last week. Usually I wouldn't buy medication or any form off the Internet whether it is cream or tablets, but in this case - I did. The label on the bottle is written in another language, apart from one sentence which tells you how to use it. 'Put two drops of the nail softener on the affected area twice a day'. This is as well as me smothering my foot with cream in an attempt to get rid of my blisters and the redness from my sore feet.
Someone suggested that I buy a pair of sandals and wear them, in an attempt to let my feet breath more, making them healthier during the summer. You can tell this person has never seen my bare feet, as they are not exactly the best looking feet, and they are not even symmetrical. On one foot, all my toes are curled up, and on the other they are all straight, meaning one foot looks bigger than the other. I also have incredibly hairy feet for some unknown reason, and should I wear sandals, people looking at my feet would think I had a foot transplant from a gorilla. Another thing is that an ingrown toenail isn't the prettiest of sights, so showing it off to the world won't be vastly appreciated, and most likely won't help with my mission of 'wooing' a woman into foolishly loving me.
I have had foot problems for years, and more than likely inherited it from my father who seems to always be complaining of foot problems. This isn't the first time I've had an ingrown toenail either. A few years ago I had one and was sent to a podiatrist who was useless and thus I have the problem again. Maybe I should go to the doctors again and take a list of problems I have, but it's just my yearly cycle. During the summer, most years I have at least one problem with my feet, and during the winter, I usually have a problem with my ears. I may as well just start getting used to it
As an attempt of saying sorry for this dull blog, I shall attempt another one tomorrow, hopefully a happier one.
Toodles m’dearys