Then we go onto the name. This women's name is Mrs Janes, and Mr Brown spelt it 'Mrs James'. Now that's hardly a huge mistake, putting an 'M' instead of an 'N' is a mistake people make every day. Also, Mrs Janes - what kind of name is that anyway? I've never heard of 'Jane' being used as a surname, so you can understand how small this mistake by Gordon Brown was. Mrs James is a much more plausible name.
Why has Gordon Brown got to apologise for not being perfect? If I got told by my English teacher that I in some way insulted her by misspelling a word, I wouldn't apologise, and not because I'm a rebel, but because it's such an insignificant thing. What kind of person gets insulted by a misspelling? Sure, she is grieving for her son, but going to The Sun and telling them Gordon Brown insulted her by not using a dictionary is quite pathetic.
Another reason why I sympathise with Gordon Brown and his one eye, is because of my Nan. She is partially sighted and she tries to write things occasionally, and she'll write in my birthday card. However, when she puts 'Dear Staurt' by accident, I don't go and have a hissy fit and run around crying and claiming she hates me and doesn't love me at all, just because she couldn't spell my name correctly, and then end up going on Jeremy Kyle with the problem 'My Nan Can't Spell My Name - I Want An Apology' or consider suing her because I want compensation. No, I don't even mention it. Maybe it's just me being nice, but I like to think it's me not being stupid and pathetic and accepting the fact she is partially sighted.
I'm not the only person who thinks this either. On Twitter this morning I had people agreeing with, and someone even re-tweeted my tweet saying 'Why are people making such a big fuss over Gordon Brown's spelling? An 'M' instead of an 'N'. It's hardly a big mistake' to share with her followers. To be honest, I'm from the group of people that think the only thing The Sun is useful for is for whipping the bottom of a tramp; so this really shouldn't be considered as news anyway. I can see the headline on the front of The Sun tomorrow claiming that the reason we're full of immigrants is because he can't spell. The Sun isn't written by journalists, it's merely just a load of words put together to almost make a proper sentence, by someone who failed GCSE English. Idiots.
Earlier today, this story was the top news story on the BBC News website. Proving that Gordon Brown is prone to the occasional mistake, and therefore proving he is a human, isn't news. The same for all politicians; where has this idea that politicians should ALWAYS be perfect come from? Did we once have a theory that politicians are not human, but have in fact evolved from humans to become a perfect race of people who should be capable to run a country? If that's true, then something really has gone wrong.
One more thing to illustrate my point – George Bush. Now, there’s a man who ran a country for 8 years, despite the fact he is far from perfect, and made so many mistakes that if he had donated one dollar for every mistake, we wouldn’t be a recession be now. In comparison to him, Gordon Brown should be a member of Mensa!
Anywho, I feel much better now I’ve got that off my chest. It’s just irritated me keep
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