Overall, I guess it has been a rather good year, but I still think 2007 was my favourite year to date. This year had had its up and its downs. I’ve been ecstatic and depressed, busy and bored, in and out of love, confused and intelligent, annoyed and cheerful, betrayed and trusted and also accomplished and disappointed. Also I missed out some great chances, which I will regret for a long time to come.
This year is full of things I regret. Things I regret saying, or not saying. Things I regret doing and more often – not doing. If I had a time machine I would defiantly go back to January 1st 2008 and start the entire year again. I do feel that this has been a waste of time, as I am going to end it exactly the same way I began it. If anything I’m actually ending the year worse than I started it. It’s those niggly bits that make you think ‘What If?’ ‘What If I hadn’t let myself be manipulated’, but then that leads to the question ‘What If I never found out they were all lies?’ ‘What if I had appreciated the things I had, when I had them, rather than miss the chance?’ ‘What if I wasn’t such a bastard?’
That’s another thing, this year I can conclude (all that an obvious conclusion) that there are a lot of liars about. Actually, not only liars, but bad liars. I mean if you’re going to lie, at least try and do it properly. I have been lied to on a number of occasions throughout the year, but then found out they were lies, without even trying, people make it all too easy these days.
This year did have the potential to be the best year ever, until next year, and I did pretty much stuff it up on every occasion I could find. Possibility of an argument, I’d be there. Potential opportunity to do a bit of bitching behind someone’s back, I’d participate and that is how the year progressed. Not the best way to go about your life.
There have been good things about this year, before you go thinking it was all bad and start feeling sorry for me. This year I discovered who my real friends are, and the people I can trust. This year I passed my GCSE’s, although that means nothing these days. This year I had a lot of fun. This year I discovered my full potential, for now at least. This year I actually haven’t told many lies, only the lies you do to protect someone. This year I got real close to people, but then also drifted far away from people, some of the people that meant the most.
You see, for me it was a year of many contrasts, and have been up and down so many times. Which is why it doesn’t beat 2007 as my best year. 2008 to me will be known as year I regretted.
Coming closer and closer is 2009, and I think it could be a rather good year. Next year see’s me turn 17 you know, which means the age of driving is approaching. Also next year, some other stuff will happen hopefully, which will make it more interesting. Maybe I’ll fall in love, or maybe I’ll win the lottery, or maybe I’ll just spend the year listening to my 120GB iPod, and look back at it this time next year and think how boring it was. I guess we’ll have to wait and see.
1 comment:
stuy a very good blog
i believe that the ending of last year nd the beg of this year have been the best for me. Even thou we are now in sixthform we learn new things about others that may either shock us or please us. Me getting my results was good because i then relased that if i believed in myself i can do it. I may be re taking maths but hey part of life.
Im glad to have met all my friends because if i hadnt of met them i wuldnt b who i am today. Had soo many great memories nd i wuldnt change any of um. I wuldnt change any of my friends!
Loove yuu
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